Standard design specifications for strip footings, raft slabs and waffle slabs, are assigned to each level of classification up to class E. Footing specifications are varied within each classification to accommodate various forms of house construction, ranging from flexible clad-frame construction to sensitive full-masonry structures. The Newer Volcanics clay soils have caused the majority of footing problems for new residential construction in Melbourne. Soil reactivity is only one component of site reactivity. Since the shrink-swell index has been used to indicate the reactivity of Melbourne soils, then soil suction should be used to indicate climatic influences. The effects of reasonably avoidable soil suction extremes are not included in the AS 2870 design suction change recommendation. Soil suction variations around and below buildings in the Melbourne area are recognised as being greater than seasonal suction variations. The bearing capacity of Melbourne's expansive soils is generally adequate.