ABSTRACT: There is an uncertainty about to what extent local and regional governments have to comply with the INSPIRE principles. For metadata we have a number of standards that are not fully conforming to each other. In addition, we have large number of metadata sets that do not comply with any standard at all. In order to comply with the INSPIRE principles, upgrading of existing databases must be done. This paper study problems related to such an upgrading, based on existing Swedish metadata. The proposed process consists of three steps, namely schema matching, schema mapping and then data translation. The results show that automatic schema matching procedures are not well suited, mainly due to the ambiguity of key words and the extensive use of non formalized text in the existing metadata. Automatic translation procedures could only be applied for 37% of the target metadata elements. If allowing also manual interpretation, 52% of the target metadata elements could be derived. For the remaining target metadata elements, additional information is required.