ABSTRACT: The Gold Quarry open pit mine design includes a layback that encompasses a portion of the James Creek Tailings Storage Facility (JC-TSF). In preparation for the layback the removal of approximately 6.71 million tonnes of tailings and local alluvium was required. The JCTSF was constructed in 1985 as a clay lined basin with an earth and rock filled main dam and two secondary embankments. There have been no deposits within the facility since the early 1990s. Mining of the JC-TSF was completed in two phases. The first phase involved cutting a trench to maintain confinement of tails and to eliminate potential interruptions to mining in the pit below caused by slope instability issues. The second phase was to mine the pit layback. The exposed tailings material was then sloped and covered. The mining conditions were challenging, however, with proper planning and operation, the relocation of the tailings was a success.