NBDM 1.0 is an object oriented data model which uses the XML syntax for physical project data files. Its main characteristics are:

– Covers thermal building simulation only – No detailed geometrical model (only orientations

(North, 43.5◦ west. . .) are given; version 1.2 added surface vectors, which are however only used for a graphical representation of the building (currently not destined for calculation)

– Extremely simple to describe, understand and implement (uses less than 20 classes (entities/types of objects), can be fully explained in less than 1 hour)

– Extensible (new concepts have already been successfully added since version 1 has been implemented and used)

The NBDM data model has been successfully implemented in the following major French and international building simulation tools: ClimaWin, CODYBA, COMFIE, and TRNSYS (a general simulation environment containing a detailed building model). It is currently being used and tested in real-world projects. Other links are in preparation.