Modeling. Defined with the help of the EXPRESS7

language (ISO 10303-11:1994), the IFC model allows an EXPRESS-based or an equivalent XML representation of a construction project (in the ifcXML language). In general case, the ifcXML representation of a construction project describes more information than it is necessary for a specific goal of construction checking. From the other side, the IFC model is not enough to represent the whole semantic complexity of the construction data that is really used in the conformity checking process: it does not contain, for example, the information on the functionality of a room (e.g. kitchen). For this reason, our work intentionally dwells within the scope of this practical need: to propose semantically rich project representations for an effective checking of its conformity against technical construction rules and constraints.To do this, we focus on the development of an intelligent representation of construction projects for the specific needs of conformity checking. To do this, we adapt the OWL notation approach for the IFC (Beetz et al. 2005), the research of (Yang & Zhang 2006) aiming the construction of application-oriented ontology, as well as the ontology-oriented conversion tools for the IFC standard (Schevers & Drogemuller 2005).