The effects of slope instabilities on the urban setting of Ariano Irpino are dealt with. Falls, topples and slides contribute to modify the shape of the urban area of Ariano, eventually evolving into debris flows. The territory of Ariano Irpino is characterized by the presence of Pliocene marine sediments, overlying Miocene flysch deposits and/or Mesozoic Lagonegro Units. From a geomorphological standpoint, the most striking evidence of the territory of Ariano is represented by deep, narrow steep-sided valleys, which border the ancient centre of the town. The historical evolution of Ariano Irpino has been reconstructed according to a number of publications, mainly of local interest, but useful in providing several information on the interference between geological hazards and man-made structures. Ariano Irpino is the municipality hit by the highest number of landslides in the Avellino province. The Fosso Anzani, located beneath the Sambuco borough, is one of the recentmost ravines of Ariano.