This chapter describes the soil bioengineering work undertaken to stabilize the Walker’s Landing site. The Walker’s Landing Road case study shows a cost effective solution to permanently restoring a slope failure and the aesthetics of a hillside and riparian habitat by stabilizing the soil and re-establishing vegetation on a steep slope site. A Spyder Hoe was utilized to install most of the structures and to re-grade the contour of the slope. On this site the use of a Spyder Hoe demonstrates how cuttings can be planted at a greater depth than using manual excavation, resulting in deeper rooting and higher survival rate. A fill slope failure on a public road initiated a landslide in February of 2002. The British Columbia Ministry of Highways and Transportation contracted Terra Erosion Control Ltd. to design and implement soil bioengineering/biotechnical slope stabilization techniques in order to reduce surface erosion and increase slope stabilization.