This chapter focuses on a method for landslide susceptibility assessment, its conversion into hazard, and the combination with elements at risk data for vulnerability and risk assessment. The method is tested in Guantanamo province, one of the areas with the highest incidence of landslides in Cuba. Landslides are one of the hazard types occurring in Cuba. Local authorities have recognized the need for assessing the hazard and risk due to landslides, and incorporate these into a multi-hazard risk assessment. The provincial landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment started with a detailed landslide inventory. Landslides identified as topples were considered in those areas where a number of subsequent detachment blocks could be identified without major downslope movement. Existing geological, geomorphological and soil maps were used and reclassified by reducing the number of legend units to only those that were considered relevant for landslide susceptibility assessment.