The A1033 Hedon Road Improvement Scheme involved the construction of a new stretch of dual carriageway, 6.7 km in length, that ran alongside the existing two-lane carriageway (west to east alignment) in close proximity to Hull estuary between Mount Pleasant junction, Kingston-upon-Hull, and Salt End junction, Hedon. The main construction on the £45 M (2001 data) design and build project commenced in autumn 2001 and was completed by summer 2003. The client was the Highways Agency (UK); the designer Scott Wilson Limited; the main contractor Alfred McAlpine and the client’s representative Babtie. The alignment of the new carriageway traversed both greenfield and brownfield areas, which were generally underlain by about 8.0 m depth of soft alluvial deposits and with a high groundwater table (within 0.5 m of ground surface).