ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the chemical properties of (B.Pervaribilis × D.Latiflorus) No.7 with some transformations of Chinese fibrous raw material national standards for understanding its chemical composition and inherited characteristics. In this paper, the chemical compositions of two years old bamboo culms, including holocellulose, acidinsoluble lignin, 1% NaOH solubility, benzene-ethanol extractives and ash content, were tested. The test results were also compared with those of female bamboo Bambusa pervariabilis McClure and male bamboo Dendrocalamus Latiflorus Munro that are commonly planted and utilized in pulp industry in China. This study indicated that there were significant differences of selected chemical compositions between inner part and outer part of bamboo culm but no obvious variation among (B.Pervaribilis × D.Latiflorus) No.7 culms. The comparison of average culm height, diameter at breast height and chemical composition indicated that (B.Pervaribilis × D.Latiflorus) No.7 showed its individual stability and good inherited characteristics of female and male bamboo.