Recently, a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the model analyte mouse IgG was carried out in the meso-system using the ALP-PAPP E-S pair [65]. The incubation volumes were 9 µL as defined by the volume of the channel along the length of the electromagnet. The microbeads were coated with the primary antibody before use. The total assay time was 34 min and it included 7 min incubations for both the antigen (mouse IgG) and Ab*, and a 4 min incubation for the enzyme substrate. The current-time plots obtained using a BAS LC-EC flowthrough electrochemical cell for 0, 50, 500, and 1000 ng/mL mouse IgG immunoassays are shown in Figure 20. The plot of the peak-current versus the mouse IgG concentration showed excellent linearity. The signal for 0 ng/mL is due to the presence of PAPP from the nonenzymatic hydrolysis of PAPP.