For a single sample, LC-MS/MS analysis included two discrete steps: (1) LC-MS peptide mapping to identify peptide ions from the digestion mixture and to deduce their molecular weights, and (2) LC-MS/MS of the previously detected peptides to obtain sequence information for protein identification. An improvement in efficiency and throughput of the overall method can be obtained by performing LC-MS/MS in the datadependent mode. As full-scan mass spectra are acquired continuously in LC-MS mode, any ion detected with a signal intensity above a predefined threshold will trigger the mass spectrometer to switch to MS/MS mode. Thus, the ion trap mass spectrometer switches back and forth between MS (molecular mass information) and MS/MS mode (sequence information) in a single LC run. This feature was implemented to generate the spectra shown in Figure 7. The data-dependent scanning capability, combined with an autosampler device, can dramatically increase the capacity and throughput for protein identification.