ABSTRACT: This study presents an assessment of a selected quaternary’s groundwater vulnerability to pollution. The area is situated in the District of Abidjan with the target area the Canal de Vridi to Grand-Bassam. The approach used for the DRASTIC method is based on the characterisation of several parameters. This provides an indication of the sensitivity of the groundwater resource to pollutants based on its physical properties. Moreover, the physico-chemical parameters of the groundwater (pH, electric conductivity, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, saltiness) have been evaluated to make a comparison between the results of the DRASTIC method and the current pollution status. The results show that the zones affected by high vulnerability are situated in the townships of Grand-Bassam, Port-Bouët, Vridi, Koumassi, Treichville (the southern and eastern parts) and the villages of Anani, Modeste and Azuretti. Chemical analyses also reveal that these zones generally correspond to the sectors where nitrate and nitrite contents are the most elevated, with concentrations reaching 690 mg/L (NO2

) and 3493 mg/L (NO3 ). This shows that the DRAS-

TIC method provides an accurate indication of the vulnerability of aquifers.