Descriptions of the Family Microporellidae Hincks, 1880 and the genus Microporella Hincks, 1877 were not changed substantively between those publications and that of Osburn (1952), although some subsequent authors (e.g., Gordon 1984) expanded the familial definition to include a number of other genera characterized by the presence of ascopores. Hayward & Ryland (1999) defined the Family Microporellidae as follows: ‘Primary orifice semicircular, ascus opening via an ascopore, proximal to the orifice. Frontal shield with scattered pores. Ovicell present. Oral spines and avicularia present or absent.’ The genus Microporella they defined as: ‘Colony encrusting. Primary orifice semicircular, ascopore distinct on a raised base. Oral spines present. Ovicell hyperstomial, imperforate, closed by zooidal operculum. Frontal shield with scattered pores. Avicularia adventitious, with acute or setiform mandibles. Basal pore-chambers large and distinct.’