ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of physico-chemical analysis of groundwater samples obtained from twenty (20) hand-dug wells located in ten communities within the limestone belt of Ogun State with a view to determine the quality (or portability) in terms of arsenic concentration of the water resources of the aquifers in these communities. The result indicates a minimum of 0.04 mg/L obtained in the wells of Akinbo and a maximum of 0.16 mg/L obtained in the wells of Lapeleke. The mean values of arsenic in all the sampled aquifers are generally higher than the maximum permissible value of 0.01 mg/L recommended for drinking water by WHO. Also, the main arsenic concentration of soil, shale and limestone in the area are 22.3g/g, 78.0g/g and 514.0g/g respectively while the pollution index (PI) for the water in the aquifers generally for the limestone area is 8.1. Thus both the measured values of this metal and the calculated PI inferred groundwater arsenic pollution in this sedimentary terrain.