As a rule the echinoderms have been little studied in Colombia, in the coasts of Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean Sea) as well as in the Pacific Ocean, however their knowledge has increase in the past years due to another works and investigations. In this work is presented an historical review of the study of echinoderms in the Colombian Caribbean Sea and the results obtained of the check of the existing records based on secondary information, the material deposited in the Museum of Natural Marine History of Colombia and the National Museum of Natural History, and the material collected in the continental shelf and upper slope during the expeditions INVEMARMACROFAUNA I and II. Nearly 275 species, between these 23 Crinoids, 71 Asteroids, 84 Ophiuroids, 51 Echinoids and 46 Holothuroids they are registered for the Colombian Caribbean Sea. Taking as an example the

sea stars and urchins, for those which is known an estimate amount of 178 and 100 species respectively in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean (Hendler et al. 1995), would have to be for Colombia 40% and 51% of this total, therefore would be expect the increments of this quantity with the expansion of more studies in the area. For the Colombian Pacific exist a review very detailed of secondary information according to the one which are registered 30 Asteroids, 32 Ophiuroids, 28 Echinoids and 28 Holothuroids (Arboleda, 2002). Currently is developed a project in the one which were collected and identified echinoderms of the north portion of Colombian Pacific. Taking advantage the disposability of material obtained in the Caribbean Sea and the American tropical Pacific has the possibility of exploring the taxonomy, systematic and biogeography of echinoderms and another invertebrates that have been collected.