Intracoronary near-infrared spectroscopy with intravascular ultrasonography (NIRS-IVUS) is a novel catheter-based combination technique that allows determination of both the structure and chemical composition of the coronary artery wall. This is accomplished by evaluating coronary anatomy by using intravascular ultrasonography and also measuring the proportion of near-infrared light diffusely refl ected by the arterial wall after scattering and absorption have occurred. Histology and clinical studies have validated that NIRS can detect with high accuracy the presence of coronary lipid core plaques (LCPs) that form the substrate for a majority of acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) and complicate stenting procedures. Coronary NIRS-IVUS can be used to (i) risk stratify and optimize the outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), (ii) identify coronary lesions at risk for causing events and optimize their management, and (iii) evaluate novel anti-atherosclerotic treatments.