Synthesis of 2,4,5-Triaryl-1H-Imidazole and their derivatives is a fertile source of biologically important molecules. Compounds containing imidazole moiety have many pharmacological properties and play important roles in biochemical processes. Multi-component reactions (MCRs) have drawn great interest in modern organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry because they are one-pot processes bringing together three or more components and show high atom economy and high selectivity. With increasing environmental concerns, more, and more chemists are devoting in the area of “Green Chemistry.” Utilization of non-toxic chemicals, environmentally benign solvents, and renewable materials are some of the key issues that merit important consideration in “green” synthetic strategies. Avoiding organic solvents during the reactions in organic synthesis leads to a clean, efficient, and economical technology (Green Chemistry); safety is largely increased, work-up is considerably simplified, cost is reduced, increased amount of reactants can be used in the same equipment and the reactivates, and sometimes selectivities are enhanced without dilution. Due to all these advantages, there is an increasing interest in the use of environmentally benign reagents and procedures or, in other words, the absence of solvents coupled with the high yields and short reaction times often associated with reactions of this type make these procedures very attractive for synthesis. In 214the present thesis, we have described new routes for the synthesis of bioactive 2,4,5-triaryl -1H-imidazole Heterocycles using greener approaches such as multi-component one-pot synthesis, solid-state reactions coupled with the application of grinding technique, microwave (MW), and ultrasound irradiation. The present chapter expresses various synthetic methods and biological importance 2,4,5-triaryl -1H-imidazoles and their derivatives.