Numerous vertebrate fossils were recovered in the so-called Pucangan and overlying Kabuh series, and within the Grenzbank conglomeratic zone separating them. It is therefore worthwhile to compare any recently excavated, stratigraphically controlled and numerically significant fossil collection with these faunal associations. The possible association of stone artefacts with Javanese Homo erectus has been under discussion for a long time. Dominant animals are large bovids (45%), smaller cervids (18%) and Stegodon sp. (8%). Two different cervids are present in the collection, a large one whose size is comparable to Cervus (Rusa), and a smaller one comparable to Axis. Two different cervids were recovered from the Ngebung excavations, one of them described as a new subspecies. The presence of Cervus (Rusa) sp. gives the Ngebung fauna a more modem character. The analysis of the cervid remains, together with the available radiometric datings, are compatible with the previously mentioned general interpretation of the mammal association.