This chapter reviews published data as well as personal experience with fever accompanying endocrine disorders. Increased synthesis of prostaglandins, especially prostaglandin E (PGE)1 and PGE2, is observed in the hypothalamus as well as synthesis of cyclic AMP, under the influence of interleukin-1. Thyrotoxic crisis arises usually in patients already known to be hyperthyroid, virtually confined to cases of Graves’ disease. Medical crisis is precipitated by injuries, diabetic keto-acidosis, myocardial infarction, severe infections or cessation of antithyroid therapy. Thyrotoxic crisis may appear after administration of a therapeutic dose of radioactive iodine, probably by producing radiation thyroiditis. In some cases, thyroid infection was preceded by infection elsewhere in the body such as pyelonephritis, otitis, mastoiditis, erysipelas, pharyngitis, or upper respiratory tract infection. The principal factors involved in the hyperthermia of hypoglycemia are cerebral edema, dehydration, hypothalamic dysfunction, and increased levels of catecholamines. Adrenal insufficiency is most commonly caused by idiopathic adrenal atrophy and less frequently by tuberculosis.