Thermoregulation or keeping the human temperature in a narrow normal range utilizes mechanisms which actively control heat production and heat loss. Heat regulation is achieved by a dynamic balance between heat production and heat loss. There are several mechanisms of heat loss such as radiation and conduction from skin, adjusting temperature and humidity of inspired air, sweating and by urine and feces. The hypothalamus will regulate the body temperature by activating heat gain and suppressing heat loss mechanisms. Endogenous pyrogens (EP) are produced and released into the circulation, reaching the anterior hypothalamus via its arterial tree and penetrating the specialized local arrangement of the blood brain barrier in the region of the Organ Vasculosum Laminae Terminali. The central effects of prostaglandins were demonstrated by inducing fever after intraventricular injection of prostaglandins. Intravenous injection of a number of living Gram-positive organisms or dead bacteria produces fever in rabbits while circulating EP can be demonstrated in the febrile plasma.