The solute reactant or reactant mixture is injected into the chromatographic reactor as a pulse. Both conversion to product and separation take place in the course of passage through the column; the device is truly both a reactor and a chromatograph.” This refers to a discontinuous reactor. The chromatographic reactor has been used as an analytical device to determine thermodynamic constants by equilibrium shift. The efficiency of the chromatographic reactor was measured with a performance index accounting for conversion or yields exclusively. The chapter aims to present the classical performances indices and to introduce a new one accounting for the reaction and the separation simultaneously. A chromatographic column is a separator that develops a separation in space by elution with an appropriate solvent. The capability of reactive chromatography to improve the productivity of a species depends on reaction stoichiometries and chromatographic properties of constituents. Laboratory-scale chromatographic reactors, similar to analytical columns, are certainly isothermal.