Papaya fruits are prized in the international market. Exportation to some countries is allowed only with the use of techniques to assure fruit fly disinfestation. The use of individual shrink-wrapping enhances the shelf life of fruits and reduces end-rot diseases. Mature green papaya fruits were harvested from a commercial orchard in northwest Espirito Santo state, Brazil. Groups of 26 fruits were divided randomly as follow: 17 fruits for chemical analysis and 9 fruits infested with Ceratitis capitata for monitoring weight loss and colour development. Fruits were exposed to infestation by Ceratitis capitata in screened boxes for 12 hours. Fruit peel color development during storage showed progressive increase and was not influenced by the treatments used. The acidity values were influenced by the temperature of storage. Lower acidity values occurred in fruits stored under ambient conditions. The results indicate that shrink wrapping was the best treatment. Besides controlling fruit fly infestation, it also increased the shelf life of fruits.