Estimates of amino acid requirements for low birthweight (LBW) infants should be based on knowledge of the needs for rapid postnatal growth and the limitations of the prematurely born infant to metabolize some amino acids due to immaturity of enzyme systems. Up to the present, specific amino acid requirements for LBW infants have not been definitively established. Although feeding regimens with variable quantities and qualities of amino acids have supported rates of growth and nitrogen retention in LBW infants which parallel intrauterine accretion, the plasma amino acid responses have differed widely between studies. This variable response of circulating amino acids may relate to the amount or profile of amino acids fed, energy intake, gestational maturity of infants at study, or simply, variables associated with the methods of measuring amino acids (see Appendix, Section V). What should the “gold standard” be for biological amino acid profiles in response to feeding for LBW infants? This chapter will attempt to address the issue.