Vegetarianism has faded in and out of history since the time of ancient Greece. Since the Civil War, vegetarianism largely faded out and had not been widely publicized until the Woodstock generation. The two less common types of vegetarians are: Ovo vegetarian and Fruitarian. Vitamin intake was usually adequate in vegetarians. However, the B vitamins and in particular vitamin B12 have been reported as being low. The intake of mineral elements should be of concern to vegetarians, especially calcium, iron, and zinc. Good sources of calcium are broccoli, greens, low-fat dairy products, and fortified soy milk. Since vegetarian diets are usually higher in carbohydrate intake, many endurance athletes choose to follow this dietary regimen. Vegetarian athletes must also pay close attention to their protein intake as they utilize more protein to produce energy during the activity. It has also been suggested that strength athletes would benefit from a slightly higher intake of protein above the Recommended Dietary Allowances.