Dietary therapy and recommendations for increased physical activity or exercise have been used as effective strategies to positively influence plasma lipids and lipoproteins for more than 40 years. Lipids are a heterogeneous group of chemicals that include free fatty acids and substances found naturally in chemical association with them. The apolipoproteins determine the structure and regulatory functions of lipoproteins. Most apolipoproteins are synthesized by the liver or intestine. The plasma lipid and lipoprotein profile may be more useful for estimating coronary heart disease risk than a single value. Dietary modification and regular exercise provide the foundation for the initial intervention for hyperlipidemia, because they can have significant positive effects on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. The rationale to reduce total fat in the diet is based on the concept that it will decrease saturated fatty acids intake, decrease the total calories in the diet, and promote weight reduction.