The sexual behavior of male and female rats (Sprague-Dawley) were observed 30 min after exposure of volatile odorant substances (a-pinene, green odors) from green plants. Male sexual behavior was divided in to mount, intromission and ejaculation. The mount or intromission latency and post-ejaculation interval was significantly shortened after odorant exposure compared with the non-exposed group. The lordosis quotient (LQ), the percent of lordosis reflex/20–30 mounts by sexually active male rats, was measured 30 min after odorant exposure for 2 µg EB (subliminal doses) pretreated OVX rats. These experiments were repeated three times for two groups, with changed odorant exposure and non-exposure at each experiment. The odorant exposure group showed significantly higher LQ at each experiment. From these results, it can be suggested that odorant exposure may activate the motivation of sexual behavior in rats of both sexes, and the phenomena may correlate with the olfactory-hypothalamiclimbic pathway.