In the past two years, Palembang, Indonesia, has become a city where Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) games are held. Therefore, to facilitate transportation for ASEAN games, the government has built light rail transit (LRT) as a means of transportation in Palembang. This research aimed to examine factors according to a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT) Model from Venkatesh, Thong, and Xu (2012), especially the influence of the continuance intention of customers toward LRT by surveying 400 valid respondents. The result revealed that four factors of the modified UTAUT 2 Model have positive significant influence on user’s continuance intention in adopting LRT. From the highest to the lowest, respectively, these factors are habit, social influence, perceived security, and facilitating conditions. Meanwhile, the moderating variables of gender and age have no positive and significant influence.