Internet is spreading worldwide, and many improvements have occurred in various fields such as education, business, and financial services. Although we have seen many revolutions with many advantages, there are some disadvantages too, where cyberattacks have played a pivotal role that damages computers and information stored in computers. The user data is crucial information, and protection plays a prominent role in managing the specialized tools and techniques in daily life; we could see that every action is linked with data and protection is very essential. Cyberattacks have increased day by day, and we need to protect and secure the information against the threats. Cybersecurity adopted its approaches and principles of security to receive the integrity to which this one is designed when the information is shared or used. Privacy maintaining is one of the biggest challenges to design efficient tools and techniques; this chapter deals with its intended intensive approaches. In relation to the cryptographic methods, authentication and authorization are providing credentials to authorized users with encryption and decryption on secure sensitive information.