Agriculture consists of two main practices: first is cultivating the land known as farming whose main products provide cereals, root crops, fruits, vegetables, and woods, and second involves the practice of breeding of animals which provide dairy products like milk, and also eggs, flesh, and many more. Agriculture plays an important role (or act as a backbone of a country) in a given economic system. In addition to providing daily needs to human beings, agriculture also provides employment opportunities to a very large percentage of population. History of agriculture and humans are so ancient where agriculture and human beings are connecting to each other since they are on the earth. Earlier, people have to move here and there for searching and haunting animals for food. At the beginning, they learn to grow cereals, root crops, and also breed animals for only to full their feeding needs, but as the times passes, it has come out as a business. Many people start the agricultural practices, but due to lack of knowledge and equipment, the growth of agriculture does not steeply increase compared to the population growth of human beings, which has caused a major problem of shortage of food and water. Humans create a very worst scenario of pollution that produced by a large number of vehicles on road, and due to this, the quality of fruits, vegetables, and other crops getting worst, which directly impacts on health of human beings. Recently, many countries have come out having very great plans with better approach to motivate agricultural practices. Some major issues in agricultural practices are shortage of water, excessive use of fertilizers, and natural calamities. To overcome these issues, new techniques and technologies are required to adopt with proper management, and all these practices combined together help obtain smart agriculture. The main aim of this study is to make the farmers aware about smart agriculture and secure human life by protecting and securing the quality and quantity of food. This chapter discusses major factors considered in this study. It also focuses on the old technology and machinery used by the farmer in ancient world for agriculture. Further, it discusses the new technology used in farming. Finally, it discusses the benefits of new technology compared to old technologies used in agriculture industry.