The most recent tridentate ligands of any coordination pattern, which have been used in any reactions of asymmetric catalysis and which showed the greatest efficiencies in term of catalytic activities and selectivities, in particular enantioselectivities, are presented in this chapter. These include N,N,N ligands, such as Pybim, imininopyridine-oxazolines (IPO) , Bopa or Boxmi ligands; P,N,N ligands, like SpiroPAP and its analogs; N,P,N ligands, such as phosphine-bisoxazolines; P,N,P ligands, like imine-diphosphines; P,N,S ligands such as SpiroSAP; N,N,O ligands like pseudodipeptides or BinThro ligands; O,N,O ligands, such as imine-diols; N,C,N ligands, like Phebox or Phebim ligands; and many others.