Fungal keratitis is one of the most difficult to treat and diagnose infectious keratitis. This chapter aims to discuss a detailed revision of the pharmacological and surgical treatments included in the therapeutic arsenal for fungal keratitis mainly produced by multidrug resistant fungi, diagnosis delay and affected ocular globe area that are the main menace for curing ocular fungal infections. Fluconazole is a synthetic triazole antifungal agent introduced in 1990 into the therapeutic arsenal as an alternative treatment for fungal infections. Fungal infections treatment has many problems, including a limited number of effective antifungal drugs, antifungal-drugs toxicity, microorganism resistance to commonly used antifungal drugs and the antifungal-drugs high cost. In summary, many options were described as fungal-infection treatments, being dependent on disease clinical features, the available therapeutic arsenal and the infection location/extension. Classical pharmacological therapy includes polyenes as the first-line drugs due to its effectiveness.