This contribution deals with the development of centres of the unique bicentric agglomeration in the territory of the Czech Republic, from its origin through problems of its determination to current issues related not only to its urban development. By defining individual hypotheses, this work deals with a multi-disciplinary approach using many different indicators that form jointly the input information on the agglomeration as a whole. The agglomeration as a complex requires collaboration of many scientific fields to specify in details both, the current and future nature of this unique area. Individual chapters of this contribution outline diversity and importance of this topic, which apparently requires multi-disciplinary collaboration in the development planning of such complex territory as this bi-centric Hradec—Pardubice settlement agglomeration. At the end you can find an assessment of the current state in terms of development planning of this agglomeration and possible suggestions for detail solutions of the problems found that are intended mainly for use as a basis for public authorities.