Current global production waste, about 1.3 billion tons/year, is a global environmental problem and a key element of critical infrastructure of individual regions and countries. International and European development strategies are therefore aimed at progressive methods of recycling and recovery of waste, materials, raw materials, energy. Within the paper, an innovative logistics and legislative model of raw material and energy recovery of waste is based on evaluation of the management of waste as a valuable source of raw materials in Slovakia and abroad, in the EU, with an emphasis on progressive trends, designed for the purposes of preventive replacement of exhaustible raw material resources. As a part of decomposition of the proposed model are dimensioned individual material flows through strategic quantified goals, supporting legislation of identification of the flows and other supporting measures of implementation of the model. Authors of papers to proceedings have to type these in a form suitable for direct reproduction by the publisher. In order to ensure uniform style throughout the volume, all the papers have to be prepared strictly according to the instructions set below. The publisher will reduce the camera-ready copy to 75% and print it in black only. For the convenience of the authors template files for MS Word 6.0 (and higher) are provided.