This chapter helps readers to understand how the use of intuition changes with experience. A predictable, dynamic trend emerged across industries, positions, countries, and gender, which speaks to how experience influences one's judgment processes. Big Picture Modelers leverage embedded analytical procedures, which are learned through experience, explaining the lessened reliance on direct analysis and a heavier emphasis on Inferential Intuition. Instead of a conflictual "tug of war" between data analysis and intuition, changing the decision-making process to take advantage of the different types of intuition and analysis may result in more effective decisions. The sample consisted mostly of individuals from Canada, the United States, Poland, and Italy. It was only across Inferential Intuition and Analysis that significant differences were observed. Across the preferences for others, when holding the other covariates constant, country and continent did not play a significant role in explaining the differences. Comparisons by gender appear less material than comparisons by industry.