This article examines a number of children’s religious songs which contain essential moral values ​for children’s education. The songs that will be studied include “Allah Maha Tahu”, “Belajar Puasa”, “Berani Jujur”, “Muliakan Tetangga”, and “Rumahku Syurgaku”. The song entitled “Allah Maha Tahu” teaches us that Allah knows everything we do and invites us to be good in every activity. “Belajar Puasa” song invites children to learn to fast. The song entitled “Berani Jujur” tells children to always say something good and right. The song “Muliakan Tetangga” invites children to keep in touch with their neighbours so that they are always in love. Finally, the song entitled “Rumahku Syurgaku” is about a home, a place where we live happily with our parents. These five songs will be discussed further in this article.

The approach of the research is qualitative , the method of analyse use descriptive, and the validity use semantic.