Swirling is initiated in processes of fermentation, solubilizing, and dispersion energy creation. A swirling sound comes on dissolving the specific molecules in the specific solvent. Naturally each molecule has its specific science, which causes a fixed force area or an activity domain acts as an active surface. Thereby, the intrinsic constitutional make up of molecules induce mechanical, electrical, and electronic forces that allow the moving fluid layer or sheet to slide over an adjacent layer. Transitional structures that align and develop a new set of atomic arrangements with the new coordinates could configure with electronic localization. The bulk as well as the surface forces undergoes changes, for example, in a reaction where the reactants undergo structural changes to develop the new faces of the atoms in terms of the new molecules. A hypothesis that induces correct thinking, dreaming, and successful invention gains importance for conducting useful experiments. Thus the swirling sound generator is useful, especially for visually challenged people.