Friccohesity distinguishes the electrostatic forces that induce interacting abilities. For example, proteins have stronger cohesive forces (CF) and water weakens them because of water–peptide bond formation with different electron clouds, which influence the friccohesity. The CF is a force that operates within similar electron clouds on the bond Schro dinger boundary or similar boundaries, but intermolecular forces (IMF) work with different electron clouds and aligns along the different boundaries of bonds within dissimilar molecular forces, as in the aqueous dimethylformamide solution. Similarly, the rhodamine b dye solutions in water and aqueous acetic acid develop IMFs with a definite friccohesity. Friccohesity determines the degree of solubilization, conjugation, coagulation, and coalescence of the nanoemulsion as the solvent weakens its CF and establishes an IMF. Baryta is used to brighten papers intended for inkjet printing, so nanoemulsions of BaSO4 could be developed for films of a better quality.