Air traffic controllers often report having a mental representation of the traffic situation that is generally referred to as ‘the picture’. ‘Having the picture’ is seen as a necessary prerequisite for controlling air traffic.

As air traffic density increases, technology may be necessary to enable the controllers to handle their traffic load safely and efficiently.

This may affect the controller’s picture. The problem is that this concept or construct called ‘the picture’ is not fully understood. If the impact of future computer support on the controller performance is to be understood, it is necessary to understand what the picture means and how this fits into a dynamic traffic environment. Only then can informed decisions be made about future automation. This is the main focus of this research.

The Human Factors Unit (HFU) is pursuing empirical research using picture interviews, eye movement tracking (EMT), auto-confrontation, and interviews with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). These techniques will be used to define what is the picture and what part needs to be retained by controllers in the future.