The common dry bean Phaseolusvulgaris is an annual Which originated in Mexico and/or the Andean region of South America. There are other species which are included in dry bean production statistics. Beans provide significant amounts of vitamin E, folic acids, and small amounts of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin for the human diet. Beans are grown on several different kinds of soil. The best soils are those of intermediate texture which are well or moderately well drained yet have good moisture holding capacity. Ripe bean yields of 3000 to 3500 kg/ha are uncommon but do occur on good soils with weed control, adequate inputs of fertilizer, chemical protection from diseases and insects, and adequate soil moisture. The most frequent soil tests made on bean fields are for acidity, organic matter, P and K. The life cycle of a bean plant is relatively short. This means that the mineral nutrient supply for optimum yields must be available early in the plant's life.