Tall fescue's adaptation ranges from cool, dry regions to wet, warm regions and is related primarily to temperature, rainfall, and elevation, and much less affected by soil factors. Tall fescue is well adapted in the transition zone between warm and cool season forage species. Tall fescue is native to Britain and is well adapted to much of New Zealand, and parts of Australia and Africa. Tall fescue grown in more humid regions with long growing seasons has a higher N requirement than where soil N supplies are high, or the growing season is short. Disposal rates of liquid sewage containing potentially toxic elements such as cadmium, lead and zinc may also pose a problem because of adherence of the sludge to plant leaf surfaces, raising the potential for ingestion by grazing animals of potentially dangerous levels of these elements. Once sludge has dried on the leaves of tall fescue, it is very difficult to remove by washing or by rainfall.