Barley is one of the oldest domesticated grain crops. It is grown throughout the temperate zones, in many subtropical zones and in high altitude areas of the tropical zones of both hemispheres. Barley is utilized as a feed grain for livestock, a food grain, malt for beer, hay, silage, and as a cover or green manure crop. The effects of environment and man's activities have resulted in the development of many diverse types of barley. Barley grows best on a well-drained, medium-textured soil with a pH of 7-8. Barley grown on high N soils will often lodge and/or be too high in protein for malting. Many different soil testing procedures are used throughout the world, so no attempts will be made to give the interpretation of these tests for barley. Nutrient requirements can be met with animal manures, composts or mineral fertilizer. Barley responds well to fertilizer on soils found to be low in nutrients by soil test.