Annual pastures -- wheat, rye, annual ryegrass, Sudan, and millet -- are used mainly for stocker grazing or hay production on tillable land. Even with many acres of improved pastures, there is still great potential for improved production per acre and per animal. To intensify an operation requires a total forage-livestock management programs pastures and fertility program must produce adequate forage; cattle must be genetically capable of profitably converting forage into beef; and management must be upgraded to a level sufficient to manage the operation. Combination pastures of tall fescue and Bermudagrass were crossfenced for controlled rotation and were fertilized and managed to provide yearlong forage either standing or baled. The use of implants and other growth promotants is a well-utilized practice in the livestock industry. Monensin has been used in feedlots for several years. It was approved for use by stockers grazing pastures.