Studies have been initiated on pest and pesticide strategies in Mauritius. There is growing worldwide concern about environmental conservation and the preservation of wildlife, and at the same time there are persistent calls for increased food production. The latter demands more effective control of insects and other pests which threaten human health, livestock and crops, and as a result, increasing use of chemical pesticides. Balancing environmental protection and intensity of pesticide usage is a difficult and sensitive issue. So far pesticides are the only solution to crop protection problems. The most popular pesticide is deltamethrin, used by two-thirds of the farmers, followed by methamidophos and mancozeb. The use of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos is increasing due to a reported decline in the efficacy of deltamethrin, possibly due to resistance. There has been a net improvement in pesticide usage practices compared to the surveys done in 1979. Many more planters are using extension officers for advice and information.