Bacillus thuringiensis strains produce two main types of toxins, delta-endotoxins and beta-exotoxins, which are toxic to many kinds of insects. The endotoxin is a protein crystal produced at sporulation, while the exotoxin is an adenine nucleotid with glucose produced in the growth phase. The endotoxin is mainly used for control of various lepidopterous insect pests, while the exotoxin is effective against species of Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Orthoptera. Muscabac was registered in Finland in 1981 for fly control in piggeries, hen houses, and compost toilets. The field strains were newly collected on farms where trials of Bacillus formulation were carried out. The tests with manure as a larval medium were made in a slightly different way. If effective, Bacillus thuringiensis exotoxin for control of larvae of the house fly might be useful in view of the insecticide resistance problems in house fly control.