The cow can utilize more efficiently the lower-quality forage that is usually produced from permanent, perennial grasses, whereas younger, stocker cattle require the higher-quality forage usually produced by legumes and annual grasses. Bermuda grass and fescue, being perennial grasses and noted as excellent cow-calf grasses, are often overlooked as potential high-profit pastures, but with good management both can be utilized more effectively for better profits. Bermuda grass has an extremely high yield potential and many of the newer improved varieties have improved digestibility. Deferring and allowing forage accumulation from September to December permits utilization of frosted Bermuda grass in late fall, resulting in abundant forage for winter grazing. Good cattle management must be coupled with the use of Bermuda grass and fescue or any forage. Fescue and Bermuda grass are both excellent forages and, when utilized properly and blended with other higher quality forages, can be highly productive and profitable.