An innovative management program for beef cattle involving the true concept of herd-health planning called preconditioning is rapidly becoming an accepted phase of beef production. "Condition" means to process and to prepare; "pre" means before. "Precondition", in reference to cattle going to the feedlot, describes their preparation so they can best withstand the adjustment they undergo in leaving their point of origin and going to the feedlot. The cattle industry within the US is highly fragmented, with over 80% of all feeder calves coming from herds of 50 cows or less. Preconditioning is a management program. It involves scheduled castration, dehorning, weaning, feeding, vaccination, worming, internal and external parasite control, and trough and bunk adjustment (total 30-day period). Safe and sane loading, rapid and careful transportation to the feedlot, and care in the feedlot for the first 2 wk are all involved in preconditioning. Vaccination actually is a minor part of the program.