Hair sheep production in Brazil is centered in the northeast region bounded by latitudes Io N and 18° 307 S and longitudes 34° 307 W and 48° 20’ W. According to the Anuario Estatistico do Brasil, regional sheep population is estimated at 5,289,912 head. Hair sheep in Brazil include the Pelo do Boi, the generic term for the population of grades and true breeds, Morada Nova, and Santa Ines. The Morada Nova is selected for the absence of wool. The Morada Nova is considered a dual-purpose animal for meat and leather production; its hide has good commercial value. The Santa Ines is large. Females are highly fertile, frequently twinning. Milk production is good. A good environment, especially high levels of nutrition, is required to support this large, highly productive breed. The Brazilian Somali is black- or brown-headed, tailless, and fat-rumped. The earliest introduction to Brazil was made by a Rio de Janeiro producer, Pinheiro Jr., in 1939.