The AGNET computer in Nebraska is located in the basement of the State Capital. The six partner states in the AGNET system have developed the world's largest agricultural and home economics computer-program library in the world. AGNET is exceptionally well equipped for the livestock producer. There are livestock ration-formulation programs available for range cattle, feedlot cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry. AGNET also has programs for the crop farmer. Machinery-cost calculators and crop budgets are available. AGNET is a mass storage system. Behind the dark windows in AGNET storage units are stacks of phonograph-like records used for storage of data and programs. In July of 1980, the state of Washington joined as a full partner state and in October 1980 the state of Wisconsin joined AGNET. Computerized Management Aids are not new to agriculture. They are just new to the west.