Terpenes are hydrocarbons, whereas terpenoids have been denatured by oxidation—drying and curing the flowers or chemically modified. Terpenes form the largest group of plant products and are the most common ingredient in volatile oils. They are sometimes referred to as isoprenoids due to the fact that all terpenes are derived from a 5-carbon precursor isoprene. There is a lot more to cannabis than its cannabinoid content. Other therapeutic compounds in cannabis contribute to its smell and aromatic diversity. The brain chemical acetylcholine is reduced by linalool which reduced muscle contractions and rigidity. Linalool has anesthetic-like-effects to reduce excitability of the cells in the spinal cord which transmits pain signals to the brain. The psycho-neurological effects of linalool impact its role in the gut-brain connection, stress, pain, and overall discomfort using a small dose of three to six drops of oil.